Thursday, October 13, 2011

Advertisement Project Compositions

Comp 1

Comp 2 


  1. Nice progression! The second comp doesn't look so "cut and paste", and I see a sense of composition being used. Your first comp seemed rather empty, as most of the space taking up the ad were objects that weren't as important (i.e. the figure in the foreground). I really like your copy, and I feel it's to the point. My only question is how would the boy urinating in the background cause much disruption to the man in the foreground? Maybe you can find something else in lieu, such as a noisy jet. Can't wait to see the final!

  2. oh!..well there's actually another man screaming directly behind him because, "supposedly", the boy urinating on the neighbor's plant is the son of the man with the headphones, and so the man screaming (the neighbor) doesn't take a liking to the man relaxing....but you're right, I do need better imagery, thank you!

  3. James
    Perhaps you are trying to show too much. How can we simplify this idea? Does the person really need to be there with the headphones on? Can you just show all this visual and audio noise and show the headphones as a solution? Perhaps the layout is more frenetic as well? Textures, photomontage. Grunge? then the headphones in a clean, uncluttered space... The PS work needs a lot of work on this and again is so very literal of the idea.
